
How much would you like to donate? As a collaborator of the Diego González Rivas Foundation we ensure that your donation goes directly to support our cause.

To be able to deduct the amount corresponding to your donation in your next Income Tax or Corporate Tax return, please write an email to administracion@fundaciondiegogonzalezrivas.com

You can now make a donation through our payment gateway or make a transfer to this Banco Santander bank account:

ES88 0049767826 2310023931



With your valuable contribution, no matter how small, we will be able to continue supporting the humanitarian work of Dr. Diego González Rivas, who has been providing aid for more than a decade. Together, we will be able to reach more places in need, especially in developing countries, and provide financial assistance to those who, due to their economic situation, cannot access its innovative Uniportal VATS technique.





Donations to the Foundation are deductible from personal income tax or corporate income tax.

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